de gb
Suchfunktion Lupe
Meetings konstruktiv und erfolgsorientiert führen

Conducting meetings constructively and result-oriented

Preparation and execution of constructive meetings: meeting calendar, agenda, structuring of contents, time management, protocol.

Who doesn't know the endlessly boring meetings? The benefits unclear? Only parts of the meeting are actually relevant to me. The right people are not sitting at the table to actually contribute to the solution, etc. This training supports managers in preparing and conducting constructive meetings (rules of the game, procedures, role as moderator and best practice exchange with many practical tips on creative and solution-oriented meeting formats).


  • rules of the game for meetings
  • discussion and suggestions on the 3 key questions:                                          - What do you want to achieve with the meeting?                                              - Which meeting formats are optimal for you?                                                   - Which communication channels are ideal?
  • efficient, adequate meeting formats: operative & content-related preparation - implementation - follow-up e.g. on minutes, decision-making, list of open items
  • role of the manager as moderator in meetings
  • appreciative feedback culture



Best practice exchange, creativity techniques and formats, including target formulation: SMART , brainstorming rules, methods and tips, brainwalking, collegial case consulting in meetings, protocol formats



  • conscious control and conduct of meetings
  • increasing the efficiency of meetings



Arrange a free, no obligation informational meeting with us.  

Please call us at: 030 79742030
or contact us by email.


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