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Suchfunktion Lupe
OMC berlin perspective consulting

Perspective consulting

In some life situations, it is not just about the next career step, but a longer-term perspective.

After a professional, health, or personal related incision, it may be useful to fundamentally reorient: to change industry, to leave the level of management, to change location, in short: to change the professional and thus personal circumstances of life.

The aim of perspective consultancy is to develop a long-term perspective independently of the next step of your career and thus to strengthen your own satisfaction and motivation.

This type of consultation is a very personal and intense matter and we use the following methods for this consultation, for example:

  • Working out motivators and demotivators
  • Determining your individual values system
  • Creating a personal timeline with professional and/or personal milestones in life
  • Deriving a long-term professional goal
  • Working out your own resources and strengths to achieve the objectives
  • Concrete realisation planning

Of course, perspective consultation may at any time be extended to individual outplacement.


Arrange a free, no obligation informational meeting with us.
Please call us at: 030 79742030
or contact us by email.

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