de gb
Suchfunktion Lupe
Assessment centre

Assessment Centre

An Assessment Centre is a structured personnel selection and evaluation process used by companies to recruit employees.

Depending on the scope and orientation, skills and characteristics that are important for the position to be filled are tested in individual or group tests. Ideally, the company has drawn up a specific competence profile for the position to be filled in advance, on which the exercises and discussions in the assessment centre are based. We at OMC will be happy to assist you in drawing up this requirement profile if there is no time for this in the day-to-day work of the company or if the personnel department does not have the capacity to take on this task.

A good preparation of an AC further includes the selection of specific exercises.

OMC works with the following modules, which can be used in part, or as a whole:

When designing the exercises, we take great care to ensure that the tasks are very practical and, in particular, that the case studies are geared to the specific topics of the respective client. All exercises are evaluated by several observers with given observation forms.

Extensive observer training is standard in our ACs. The aim is to sharpen the observers' perception and to exclude personal preferences and subjective assessments as far as possible. The neutrality of the observers is essential for the success of an AC.

Assessment centres are often used to recruit junior managers. OMC is very experienced in accompanying the selection of participants for journalistic trainee programs in media companies, for example.

The scope of the AC is always geared to the specific needs of the client, and the concept is drawn up individually on the basis of the requirements. After the AC has been carried out and the observer questionnaires have been evaluated, a clear recommendation is made. The final decision for or against a candidate is of course made by the client.

At the end, all candidates receive elaborate feedback. This adds value even for participants who have not been selected for the position and provides the company with the opportunity to show its appreciation towards applicants. In this way, an AC can also make an important contribution to employer branding.


Appointment arrangement

Arrange a free, no obligation informational meeting with us.  
Please call us at: 030 79742030
or contact us by email.

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