de gb
Suchfunktion Lupe
Verhandlungs- und Gesprächsführung mit Überzeugungskraft

Persuasive negotiation and conversation skills

This training enables managers to lead conversations and negotiations in a result-oriented way, related to negotiation strategies, verbal and non-verbal communication.
Expand your repertoire of negotiation techniques with effective methods. Discover hidden interests, assess your negotiating partner confidently and be prepared for his behaviour patterns. Then communicate convincingly!
The training teaches you methods, strategy and perception for structure, process and difficult situations in negotiations.


  • negotiation strategy
  • communication and question technique
  • prepare negotiations
  • behaviour in difficult situations, killer phrases confidently respond
  • persuasive strategie



  • Demonstration, individual and group work, processing of case studies



  • focused preparation of conversations
  • recognize & understand what moves / could move the conversation partner
  • to communicate one's own interests adequately = clearly, comprehensibly and in a way that is appropriate for the addressee.



Arrange a free, no obligation informational meeting with us.  

Please call us at: 030 79742030
or contact us by email.


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