Finally, the employment contract is signed!
You had an uncomfortable feeling, but safe is safe. And already in the first few weeks you notice that there was a reason for your suspicions and you feel uncomfortable. Reasons can come from unsatisfied promises, unexplained expectations and ideas, or the chemistry does not fit.
The employment contract is signed, you happily start your new job. Unexpectedly, your superior announces that management is being replaced, the Board is changing, reorganisation is pending. This means that the work environment is changing both on the personal level as well as at the working level. This often does not correspond to what you signed up for. And here, too, the question arises as to whether this corresponds to your ideas and whether you want to stay under the changed conditions.
In both scenarios, the question is how you should behave tactically. As a rule, it makes sense to talk to your superior and review your expectations, i.e. your assessments, assumptions, and conclusions about the current situation as well as the behaviour of others.
What to watch for?
What is still important is that the next job should go as far as possible during the probation period and provide you with a perspective for approx. 3 - 5 years. Otherwise you will quickly be seen as a job hopper.
If you get a new employment contract, you have to resign from your current employer. You should notify them of this as soon as possible so that a replacement can be found as soon as possible for the former employment relationship.
BUT: Have a talk before the written resignation. Formulate an appreciative wording for this too. This allows you to continue to meet, for example, at events and trade fairs without reservations.
Claudia A. Cordt